Pink sagt drittes Sydney-Konzert ab

Wegen einer Magen-Darm-Erkrankung muss die 38-Jährige erneut eines ihrer Konzerte in Sydney absagen. Sonntagnacht wurde die Musikerin wegen Dehydrierung ins Krankenhaus gebracht, dann kurzzeitig entlassen und am Montag wieder eingewiesen. Grund ist ein Magen-Darm-Virus. „Pink ist über Nacht im Krankenhaus geblieben, um ihre Behandlung und ihre Genesung voranzutreiben“.

Sie wollte auf ihrer „Beautiful Trauma“-Welttour in Sydney bis Mitte August sieben Konzerte geben. Aber schon ihren ersten Auftritt am Freitag musste Pink krankheitsbedingt absagen.

Auf ihrem Instagram-Account richtet sie sich an ihre Fans:

Hi beautiful Sydney people. First, I want to say thank you to all of the kind people out there for your well wishes for my speedy recovery. On Monday, we were absolutely planning on going ahead with the show, and about 20 minutes before I left for soundcheck, I was rushed to the hospital, in excruciating pain. That was the reason for the late cancellation. It was out of anyone’s control, and of course, wasn’t planned that way. I was discharged from hospital last night, and am following doctors orders of liquids and rest. A lot of you know how physical my shows are, and that I don’t just stand in front a microphone and sing. I flip, dance, fly, harness, silk, and scream my way through a total shit show of awesomeness (no pun intended). Therefore, I need to be physically healthy and well in order to perform this show. I think all of you deserve the full show and me at my best. Our next show will be Saturday, and until then I will be drinking green tea, and spending time with my kids. That’s a warning to paparazzi, you might actually see me walking upright outside of my hotel room cage with two little children, and another warning: I might even smile. Not too much, though. I’ll try to control the smiling. My sincere apologies to any of the ticket holders that this has affected, the rescheduled dates will be announced today. Thank you for your patience, compassion, and support. I look forward to rocking out with all of you as we have done for many many years. All of my love. Pink I also want to thank the amazing doctors and nurses at St Vincent’s Hospital for taking such good care of me and getting me home to my kids.

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